1st day of trial.......

Normaly in these days is just like other , but not TODAY!!!!!!! (because of that trial.....Damn it..!)

So i wake up early like those days........bath, breakfast ,listen to music .........(i can do it with my eye close) Wait 4 the bus, go to school,hanging with friends, n 4 my " jugdement time" :the trial............

Just when i get into the exam room , my brain is thinking the U2 song "with or without you" like the lyrics: I can live with or without you....SPM trial... WTF!!!!

When the first paper came to my table , i was shocked.... i dont know y, just get   shocked .the first essay was quiet easy:cadangan-cadangan untuk menigkatkan mutu perkhidmatan pengankutan awam? 

Easy! Let me drive! hahahahha.... Off     course i din't write that . After 1 hour of "SUFFERING" I managed to finish it , then comes the 2nd essay ,i almost fell down ! I kew how to do!!!!Then i spent another 1 hour to do it. Haiz........

After finished the First paper BM .We were given 45 minutes to rest n come back for second paperHISTORY...... 

We were given 1 hour to do the question,but i just use 10 minutes to finish it and .....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....After that we are  given 2 hours to REST.. and come back for the 3rd paper :BM again.......

When the paper starts,it also the ‘'go    home time"for other students. When look them go home freely ,i feel so sad n angy... Why we have to stay here to exam? Stupid  JPNS.... 

After 2 hours n 30 minutes of tortuering....... we finished our exam............!1!!!!!!!!  1st day...... (have 1 more   month....)How do i get through..............motherfXXker....Then ,   the U2 song comes again........With or witout you.......... 


  1. good lo... so confident in BM paper... not like me... aiz..


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