1st day drive 2 school..

Today is my 1st day driev to school, unlike other day i had to wake up very early ( 5.15a.m ) coz the bus will " run "away ( based on my memories, i had been " dumb " by bus for 5 times in 4 years...WTF ?! ) so today i can wake up very slow......at 5.35 pm . It means i have more 30 minutes to dream about my beautiful GF ! ( Coz she din't come for 2 days .. so miss her....... )

So , after ate the breakfast made from my mama . (this is rare b'coz she only wakes up after 7 a.m . Seems like everybody is worried about me ......... ) pray to the god ,had some advise from her . I started to DRIVE !!!!!!!

The highway is very smooth today , but many lories on the way espiacialy the 1 with contena . So i had to drive very carefully .........at the speed of 90 km/h ! And gracefully, i " survived "at the highway and went to the exit . But the situation gets very chaos.......

After i get out of the exit tol , they was "a little" traffic jam , thism is the moment where i spent most of the time here. And after 10 minutes , i managed to " escaped " from the jam and went to my favorite road : the road with many "S" corner ! My father used to said that this road can determined wether the driver is good as him or......bad as me !

The "S" corner is very easy and after that is almost reach to the school .But befors that i had to get through a small moutain which is my scariest part b'coz i used to fail in the JPJ's test b'coz of the moutain.... And i tried to get relax 1st before i drive onto the moutain .1st gear ,put clutch go, pull clucth ,2nd gear ,put clucth go .I follow this steps and "sucessfully '' get through the moutain ! Yes !

After that is a simple straight road with some corner . Its easy until the entry of the school , the corner is very narrow and i had to brake the car slowly....After that is the road with many BUMPER ...... its very easy until a bus is stop at the corner coz had to pick the students .Haiz..........After that , hello S.M.K Chan Wa !!!!!!

Thats all the 1 st day driveto school... its very enjoying..


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